The number of batteries you need for a 2000 Watt inverter depends on the input ratings of the inverter.
In this article, you’ll discover what can a 2000 watt inverter run. You’ll find out if a 2000W inverter can run a refrigerator, as well as the batteries needed for such an inverter.
What EXACTLY Can This 2000 Watt Inverter Run?
A 2000 watts inverter will PERFECTLY run a combined load of 2000 watts or fewer. What does this mean?
It means that a 2000 watt inverter can power quite a lot of your household appliances.
However, running all the appliances at the same time may be almost impossible.
You can run some of your devices at the same time as long as you can calculate their starting and running watts.
Items Powered By A 2000 Watt Inverter
- Toaster – 1200 watts
- TV – 250 watts
- Computer – 150 watts
- Lightbulb – 120 watt
- Microwave – 1000 watts
- Coffee maker – 1000 watts
- Stereo – 300 watts
- Ceiling fans – 140 watts
- Electric heater – 1200 watts
- Hairdryer – 1200 watt
- Freezer – 600 watts
- Dehumidifier – 800 watts
- Laptop – 150 watt
- Phones – 50 watts
- Dishwasher – 1500 watt
- Electric drills – 600 watt
- 8” circular saw – 1400 watt
- Xbox, PlayStation – 40 watt
- Blender – 480 watt
- Iron – 1200 watt
How Many Batteries Do You Need For A 2000 Watt Inverter?
You will need two 12V 100ah batteries connected in series for a 2000W inverter with a 24V input rating. Also, if the input rating of your inverter is 48V, you will need four 12V 100ah batteries connected in series.
However, if your 2000 Watt inverter has an input rating of 12V, you will need one 12V 100ah battery.
Running and Starting Watts
The starting watt is the additional power needed to start an appliance, while the running watt is the continuous power needed for that appliance to keep running.
The running and starting watts are what determine whether your 2000 Watt inverter will conveniently power your appliances without causing any overload and damage to the inverter.
Generally, appliances such as refrigerators, circular saws, and hair dryers require more power to start them up rather than to keep them running.
How Does This Information Help You?
Listen! It helps you to calculate the watt requirements for your inverter. This is done by adding the starting and running watts of the items you want the inverter to run. Once the total watt is less than the power output of the inverter, it is safe for use.
However, if you’d like to run many appliances simultaneously, add the starting and running watts of all your appliances, the total watts calculated will give you the minimum watt of the inverter sufficient for your home.
How to Size Your Inverter If 2000W Is Not Necessary
The easiest way to size your inverter if 2000 watts is not necessary is by considering these factors:
Continuous watts:
For your inverter to be suitable for your system, the inverter’s continuous watt must be higher or almost equal to the total running watt of your devices.
For example, if the running watt of your appliances powered at the same time is 1000 watts, add 20% for further load expansion. In this case, you would buy an inverter of at least 1200 continuous watts.
Surge watt
An ideal inverter sufficient for your home should have the capacity to accommodate the starting watt of each appliance. For example, the starting watt of a coffee machine once you turn it on is 1800W, while it is running, the power drops significantly.
The moment you brew another coffee, the coffee machine surges back to 1800 watts. For this example, a 2000W inverter is enough for you, provided nothing else runs at that time.
Input voltage
The input voltage of your inverter must be the same as that of the battery bank and solar panels. The right-sizing of input voltage for your inverter depends on the inverter’s power. For an inverter of 100 watts, the input voltage will be 12, 24, and 48V.